Week 47 - 2018
The weeknote for 11/19 - 11/25.
- Released v0.6.9. https://github.com/c3js/c3/releases/tag/v0.6.9
- The problem of inactive tab rendering has been solved.
- Switched all the decorators to the new decorator, which conforms to the implementation of decorators in babel 7.1.
- https://github.com/capsidjs/capsid/pull/133
- This was the biggest PR in capsid.js.
- In addition to the above PR, I decide to do all the breaking changes which I planned before. So I entirely dropped jquery-plugin, and changed all the official plugins to use the
method. - The entire change has been released as v0.28.0. I think this is very very close to v1.0.0.
Next week, I'm going to restart moneybit-app and first update the capsid decorator usage in it.
Nodefest 2018
- I joined Nodefest 2018 on Friday and Saturday. Nodefest is the annual conference of node.js in Japan, organized by Japan Node.js Association. I'm not officially a member of the association but I've been voluntarily maintaining their HP at https://nodejs.jp/.
- This year the conference had many oversea speakers, including Daniel Ehrenberg (@littledan), Anna Henningsen (@addaleax), Mathias Buus (@mafintosh), Andrey Sitnik (@ai) etc.
- I liked the @mafintosh's slides. It was really simple and stylish. He never writes much in the slides, and explains the very essence. This style looks perhaps lazy because of less decoration. But in my view, this is ultimately thought out style. https://mafintosh.github.io/nodefest-2018/
- I liked the @ai's talk as well. He talked basically about Russian history of space exploration, and he elaborated about several epic events in its history, but he found the lessons from each event, which is applicable to UI development in Web industry. I liked that very metaphorical style.
- On the 2nd day, I'm totally fascinated by Obniz hands-on by Chantoku (@tokutoku393). Obniz is an IoT board which connects through wifi and intantly programmable through browser when once it's connected to wifi. It was really easy to start and easy to modify, and worked well. I created a car moving backward and forward according to the button clicked in the browser during the hands-on (only 1.5 hours) without any knowledge about it before the session.
obniz で前後移動する車(?)ができた! #nodefest #nodefest_d pic.twitter.com/q35g2ZlVzJ
— Yoshiya Hinosawa (@kt3k) November 24, 2018