Week 51 - 2018
The weeknote for 12/17 - 12/23.
🦕 Deno is a new TypeScript and JavaScript runtime.
- https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/1355
- Contributed the modification of stdout resource. By default, rust treats stdout line-buffered, and it's incovenient in deno. I changed it unbuffered. Linux and macOS versions were done by @ry long time ago, I added windows version and added some test cases. Interestingly stderr was unbuffered by default in rust. I wasn't able to find where in rust source the difference happens. I'd like to dig into it sometime in the future.
💰 Moneybit is an open source mobile accounting app.
- This week I did some styling of subledger modal, and added header conponents and close button to it. No particular obstacles, but very slow progress 😕
- Many teams now started moving to TypeScript in our office. We were flowtype users, but now we almost unanimously admit TypeScript is better than flowtype mainly because of the difference of their popularities (and therefore the difference of their ecosystems). @babel/preset-typescript helps a lot of migrating to it.
ex-Gree meetup
- Met with Enechange engineers @masayuki0812, @cassy1004 and Fove VPoE @kamatari near Tokyo station. Talked about many things about software, Web industry, job, life, hobby, activities, etc.
- Attended 忘年会 with @uki213 @sinpaout @yuyake0084 @t-shiratori etc.
Farewell party of Shitomi
- Attended a party for Shitomi, who leaves the company this month. I worked with him in several projects in this company.
Super Smash Brothers
- Bought a game called Super Smash Brothers because it's very very trending in my twitter timeline. I've never played this series of the title before. I played about 100 battles this week. I still don't understand why this is so popular.