Week 15 - 2019
The weeknote for 4/8 - 4/14.
🦕 Deno is a new JavaScript and TypeScript runtime.
- Contributions
- https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/2087
- Added a workaround of
deno fmt
now doesn't work with absolute paths. Probably we need to fix glob function of fs module to resolve it completely.
- Added a workaround of
- https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/2100
- Restored
- Restored
- https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/2109
- Fixed the absolute path resolution from the remote modules. This bug has blocked the usage of jspm from deno, and it's finally fixed. So we should basically be able to use any jspm modules. There is a experiment of the usage of jspm by @mizchi. It's called trans-loader. With this tool, we can perform babel inside the service workers. In this experiment, the npm modules are imported through jspm, which means that we should be able to perform, for example, babel transformation using jspm now in deno.
- https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/2087
📊 C3 is a chart library based on D3.
- https://github.com/c3js/c3/pull/2595
- @FreezinG117 contributed the new chart
Stanford diagram
. This was a huge contribution. We haven't added a new chart for several years to c3js. This was a great enhancement.
- @FreezinG117 contributed the new chart
- I'm now working in a robotics company, and this week I started working on the communication between ROS and Go process. It was amazing that it's so easy to set up the ROS evironment because everything I need was available as a docker container.
techbookfest #6
📗 techbookfest is the festival for the Japanese private technology books.
- I went to the 6th techbookfest in Ikebukuro. I bought denobook and other stuff.