Week 43 - 2020
The weeknote for 10/19 - 10/25.
💊 Capsid.js is a declarative DOM programming library.
- This week I ported official TodoMVC test cases to capsid's todomvc repository. It's written in cypress. I found several errors in my TodoMVC implementation while running cypress test suites against my implementation, but it wasn't so difficult to fix it. After several tweaks I successfully managed to run cypress test suites in GitHub Actions. So now my TodoMVC is tested in CI environtmen! 👍 https://github.com/capsidjs/todomvc2
JavaScript: the first 20 years
- This week I found a paper, titled "JavaScript: the first 20 years", which was co-authored by Brendan Eich and Allen Wirfs-Block. I came across this paper via the podcast misreading.chat. This is the definitive guide of the history of JavaScript. I think every author who writes anything about JavaScript have to read this entire paper. When I wrote a chapter of denobook volume 2, I used to collect many information about the history of JavaScript around web, but I couldn't find many. Brendan's blog post was an important fragment of such history, but it was far from comprehensive guide. Now we have this paper. This is the reliable written history of JavaScript.
- This week I created confirm-dialog. After creating it I started wanting to create the storybook of Tententen. Storybook has the preset for vanillajs project called
. It worked first smoothly but I found a problem that its transpilation doesn't handle field decorators correctly. So I need to replace the loader of typescript with ts-loader (storybook's default uses babel-loader with@babel/preset-typescript
which uses@babel/proposal-decorators
for decorator transpilation and that's incovenient for capsid).
Iyo's kitchen
This week's Iyo's kitchen!
#kt3kmeal 今日のミール pic.twitter.com/bclGXlvp9P
— Yoshiya Hinosawa 𓆈 (@kt3k) October 19, 2020完成したのがこちら。
— あずき (@okomekirai) October 21, 2020
炭水化物にペペロンチーノモネー pic.twitter.com/C1wP3a7uSM
Iyo's photo
This week's best photo by Iyo!
マックカフェ pic.twitter.com/qDgMXRNsfV
— あずき (@okomekirai) October 24, 2020