Week 49 - 2022
The weeknote for 12/5 - 12/11.
Bun 0.3.0
- Bun 0.3.0 was released this week. In this release, Bun added many custom extension to the web standard APIs. For example, console is now an async iterable in Bun, and you can get a line from it for each iteration. This kind of extension feels very questionable to me as it confuses the users by the false impression of availability of non-standard APIs in the standard namespaces.
Fresh talk
My Logo
I've been designing the logo of 'myself', and finally finished designing it. It represents the hiragana 'よ' (yo), which is the first character of my name expressed in Japanese language and Japanese alphabets. I designed it to use it for an avatar of myself in everywhere in the future.
I started doing this because I suddenly felt that using my actual face as an icon of myself is not a good idea. I don't mean to hide my face from the internet. I probably still keep showing my face somewhere on the internet, but I feel my main icon doesn't need to be my face. It should be something more unique, more easily recognizable symbol like this one.
Designing my logo pic.twitter.com/1ON4FfV61t
— Yoshiya Hinosawa (@kt3k) December 9, 2022
Keisuke Kuwata Concert
I went to the concert of Keisuke Kuwata on Saturday. It was beautiful and fun. I especially like the song "現代東京奇譚", a ballade with sad melody.
東京ドームきたァ! pic.twitter.com/nHMLG6aHPK
— あずき🦕v0.11 (@okomekirai) December 10, 2022
Yoriai Web
- I was invited to the meet up called Yoriai Web. I talked with @agektmr and @kosamari in person for the first time there. I also met and talked with @kazupon and @Leko. @Leko's story about his 2-year experience in Singapore was so interesting. I also talked a bit with @yoshiko-pg and @Shinyaigeek for the first time.
I joined a meetup called
. It was relatively a big meetup. I knew many people there, but also didn't know many people. I maily talked with @kuy, @sosukesuzuki, @jxck, @wadackel, @sadnessOjisan, @likr, etc.@wadackel's feedback to the fresh's JavaScript chunk behavior was very curious to me. I felt I need to know what Gatzby and Astro do for it.